[Dxspider-support] Route Filtering Problems

Dirk Koopman djk at tobit.co.uk
Mon Jan 14 10:36:26 GMT 2008

Dave Hawes wrote:
> I am trying to set up route filtering, with little success, on a new 
> node.
> New node:  WT3Q, Windows, perl 5.8.8., build 0.197
> Node partner:  K3WW, Windows, build 0.197 on Linux
> I have privileges on both nodes.
> On K3WW, I try to set a route filter:
> acc/route wt3q call_dxcc w (Only send USA node info)
> It doesn't work.  All worldwide node info is sent from K3WW to WT3Q.
> On WT3Q, I try to set an input filter:
> rej/route k3ww input not call_dxcc w
> Again, it doesn't work.  All worldwide node info is accepted at WT3Q 
> from K3WW.
> What am I doing wrong?

Nothing. Route filtering does not work on PC92 sentences. This is a 
design decision that I made with the new protocol. However, it is not 
cast in stone. You can always just switch it off completely on a link by 
going "set/isolate <call>".

At some point soon I shall be starting a debate about this (it will have 
to wait a couple of weeks because I am up to ears in ambulances) - 
because the time is coming when some decisions about routing and the 
related subjects of talking + "knowing when one of your buddies on the 
other side of the world logs on" need to be aired and talked about.


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