our $filterdef = $Spot::filterdef; # we use the same filter as the Spot system. Can't think why :-).
+my $spots; # the GLOBAL spot cache
+my %runtime; # how long each channel has been running
sub new
my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
my $pkg = shift;
my $call = shift;
-# DXProt::_add_thingy($main::routeroot, [$call, 0, 0, 1, undef, undef, $self->hostname], );
- $self->{spot} = {};
+ $spots ||= {};
$self->{last} = 0;
$self->{noraw} = 0;
$self->{nospot} = 0;
+ $self->{nouser} = {};
$self->{norbn} = 0;
+ $self->{noraw10} = 0;
+ $self->{nospot10} = 0;
+ $self->{nouser10} = {};
+ $self->{norbn10} = 0;
+ $self->{nospothour} = 0;
+ $self->{nouserhour} = {};
+ $self->{norbnhour} = 0;
+ $self->{norawhour} = 0;
$self->{sort} = 'N';
$self->{lasttime} = $main::systime;
$self->{minspottime} = $minspottime;
$user->qra(DXBearing::lltoqra($lat, $long)) if (defined $lat && defined $long);
- # start inrush timer
- $self->{inrushpreventor} = $main::systime + $startup_delay;
+ # if we have been running and stopped for a while
+ $self->{inrushpreventor} = exists $runtime{$call} && $runtime{$call} > $startup_delay ? 0 : $main::systime + $startup_delay;
my @queue; # the queue of spots ready to send
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
my @ans;
- my $spots = $self->{spot};
+# my $spots = $self->{spot};
# save this for them's that need it
my $rawline = $line;
$qra ||= '';
dbg qq{or:$origin qr:$qrg ca:$call mo:$mode s:$s m:$m sp:$spd u:$u sort:$sort t:$t tx:$tx qra:$qra} if isdbg('rbn');
+ ++$self->{noraw};
+ ++$self->{noraw10};
+ ++$self->{norawhour};
my $b;
# do we have it?
my $spot = $spots->{$sp};
- $spot = $spots->{$spp}, $sp = $spp, dbg(qq{RBN: SPP using $spp for $sp}) if !$spot && exists $spots->{$spp};
- $spot = $spots->{$spm}, $sp = $spm, dbg(qq{RBN: SPM using $spm for $sp}) if !$spot && exists $spots->{$spm};
+ $spot = $spots->{$spp}, $sp = $spp, dbg(qq{RBN: SPP using $spp for $sp}) if isdbg('rbn') && !$spot && exists $spots->{$spp};
+ $spot = $spots->{$spm}, $sp = $spm, dbg(qq{RBN: SPM using $spm for $sp}) if isdbg('rbn') && !$spot && exists $spots->{$spm};
# if we have one and there is only one slot and that slot's time isn't expired for respot then return
dbg sprintf("RBN: QUEUE key: '$sp' SEND time not yet reached %.1f secs left", $spot->[0] + $dwelltime - $now) if isdbg 'rbnqueue';
} else {
dbg "RBN:DATA,$line" if isdbg('rbn');
- # # periodic clearing out of the two caches
- if (($tim % 60 == 0 && $tim > $self->{last}) || ($self->{last} && $tim >= $self->{last} + 60)) {
- my $count = 0;
- my $removed = 0;
- while (my ($k,$v) = each %{$spots}) {
- if ($tim - $v->[0] > $self->{minspottime}*2) {
- delete $spots->{$k};
- ++$removed;
- }
- else {
- ++$count;
- }
+sub per_minute
+ foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+ next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+ dbg "RBN:STATS minute $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{noraw} sent: $dxchan->{norbn} delivered: $dxchan->{nospot} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers}} if isdbg('rbnstats');
+ if ($dxchan->{noraw} == 0 && $dxchan->{lasttime} > 60) {
+ LogDbg('RBN', "RBN: no input from $dxchan->{call}, disconnecting");
+ $dxchan->disconnect;
- dbg "RBN:ADMIN,$self->{call},spot cache remain: $count removed: $removed"; # if isdbg('rbn');
- dbg "RBN:" . join(',', "STAT", $self->{noraw}, $self->{norbn}, $self->{nospot}) if $self->{showstats};
- $self->{noraw} = $self->{norbn} = $self->{nospot} = 0;
- $self->{last} = int($tim / 60) * 60;
+ $dxchan->{noraw} = $dxchan->{norbn} = $dxchan->{nospot} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers} = {};
+ $runtime{$dxchan->{call}} += 60;
+sub per_10_minute
+ my $count = 0;
+ my $removed = 0;
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %{$spots}) {
+ if ($main::systime - $v->[0] > $minspottime*2) {
+ delete $spots->{$k};
+ ++$removed;
+ }
+ else {
+ ++$count;
+ }
+ }
+ dbg "RBN:STATS spot cache remain: $count removed: $removed"; # if isdbg('rbn');
+ foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+ next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+ dbg "RBN:STATS 10-minute $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{noraw10} sent: $dxchan->{norbn10} delivered: $dxchan->{nospot10} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousers10}};
+ $dxchan->{noraw10} = $dxchan->{norbn10} = $dxchan->{nospot10} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers10} = {};
+ }
-# }
-# }
+sub per_hour
+ foreach my $dxchan (DXChannel::get_all()) {
+ next unless $dxchan->is_rbn;
+ dbg "RBN:STATS hour $dxchan->{call} raw: $dxchan->{norawhour} sent: $dxchan->{norbnhour} delivered: $dxchan->{nospothour} users: " . scalar keys %{$dxchan->{nousershour}};
+ $dxchan->{norawhour} = $dxchan->{norbnhour} = $dxchan->{nospothour} = 0; $dxchan->{nousershour} = {};
+ }
# we should get the spot record minus the time, so just an array of record (arrays)
sub send_dx_spot
my $quality = shift;
my $spot = shift;
+ ++$self->{norbn};
+ ++$self->{norbn10};
+ ++$self->{norbnhour};
# $r = [$origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $utz, $respot];
my $mode = $spot->[0]->[3]; # as all the modes will be the same;
my $dxchan = shift;
my $quality = shift;
my $spot = shift;
+ my $call = $dxchan->{call};
my $strength = 100; # because it could if we talk about FTx
my $saver;
my %qrg;
my $respot;
my $qra;
+ ++$self->{nousers}->{$call};
+ ++$self->{nousers10}->{$call};
+ ++$self->{nousershour}->{$call};
foreach my $r (@$spot) {
# $r = [$origin, $qrg, $call, $mode, $s, $t, $utz, $respot, $qra];
# Spot::prepare($qrg, $call, $utz, $comment, $origin);
$buf =~ s/^DX/RB/;
$dxchan->local_send('N', $buf);
+ ++$self->{nospot};
+ ++$self->{nospot10};
+ ++$self->{nospothour};
if ($qra) {
my $user = DXUser::get_current($saver->[1]) || DXUser->new($saver->[1]);
unless ($user->qra && is_qra($user->qra)) {