package CmdAlias;
%alias = (
- '?' => [
- '^\?', 'apropos', 'apropos',
- ],
- 'a' => [
- '^a$', 'announce', 'announce',
- '^acc?e?p?t?$', 'apropos accept', 'apropos',
- '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/full', 'announce full', 'announce',
- '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/sysop', 'announce sysop', 'announce',
- '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/(.*)$', 'announce $1', 'announce',
- ],
- 'b' => [
- '^b$', 'bye', 'bye',
- ],
- 'c' => [
- '^cle?a?r?$', 'apropos clear', 'apropos',
- '^cre?a?t?e?$', 'apropos create', 'apropos',
- ],
- 'd' => [
- '^dele?t?e?/fu', 'kill full', 'kill',
- '^dele?t?e?$', 'kill', 'kill',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/a\w*', 'directory all', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/b\w*', 'directory bulletins', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/n\w*', 'directory new', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/o\w*', 'directory own', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/s\w*', 'directory subject', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/t\w*', 'directory to', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/f\w*', 'directory from', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'directory $1-$2', 'directory',
- '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/(\d+)', 'directory $1', 'directory',
- ],
- 'e' => [
- '^exi?t?$', 'bye', 'bye',
- '^export_u', 'export_users', 'export_users',
- '^expor?', 'export', 'export',
- '^expun?g?e?$', 'kill expunge', 'kill expunge',
- ],
- 'f' => [
- '^for?w?a?r?d?$', 'apropos forward', 'apropos',
- ],
- 'g' => [
- ],
- 'h' => [
- ],
- 'i' => [
- ],
- 'j' => [
- ],
- 'k' => [
- '^ki?l?l?/ex', 'kill expunge', 'kill',
- ],
- 'l' => [
- '^loa?d?$', 'apropos load', 'apropos',
- '^l$', 'directory', 'directory',
- '^ll$', 'directory', 'directory',
- '^ll/(\d+)', 'directory $1', 'directory',
- '^lm$', 'directory own', 'directory',
- '^l>$', 'directory to', 'directory',
- '^l<$', 'directory from', 'directory',
- ],
- 'm' => [
- ],
- 'n' => [
- ],
- 'o' => [
- ],
- 'p' => [
- ],
- 'q' => [
- '^qu?i?t?$', 'bye', 'bye',
- ],
- 'r' => [
- '^r$', 'read', 'read',
- '^reje?c?t?$', 'apropos reject', 'apropos',
- '^rcmd/(\S+)', 'rcmd $1', 'rcmd',
- ],
- 's' => [
- '^s$', 'send', 'send',
- '^s/p$', 'send', 'send',
- '^sb$', 'send noprivate', 'send',
- '^set/home$', 'set/homenode', 'set/homenode',
- '^set/nobe', 'unset/beep', 'unset/beep',
- '^set/nohe', 'unset/here', 'unset/here',
- '^set/noan', 'unset/announce', 'unset/announce',
- '^set/nodxg', 'unset/dxgrid', 'unset/dxgrid',
- '^set/nodx', 'unset/dx', 'unset/dx',
- '^set/noe', 'unset/echo', 'unset/echo',
- '^set/nota', 'unset/talk', 'unset/talk',
- '^set/noww', 'unset/wwv', 'unset/wwv',
- '^set/nowx', 'unset/wx', 'unset/wx',
- '^set$', 'apropos set', 'apropos',
- '^sho?w?/u$', 'show/user', 'show/user',
- '^sho?w?/bul', 'show/files bulletins', 'show/files',
- '^sho?w?/co?n?\w*/a', 'show/configuration all', 'show/configuration',
- '^sho?w?/co?n?\w*/n', 'show/configuration nodes', 'show/configuration',
- '^sho?w?/c$', 'show/configuration', 'show/configuration',
- '^sho?w?/com', 'dbavail', 'dbavail',
- '^sho?w?/dxcc', 'show/dx dxcc', 'show/dx',
- '^sho?w?/dx/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx $1-$2', 'show/dx',
- '^sho?w?/dx/(\d+)', 'show/dx $1', 'show/dx',
- '^sho?w?/dx/d(\d+)', 'show/dx from $1', 'show/dx',
- '^sho?w?/fdx/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx real $1-$2', 'show/fdx',
- '^sho?w?/fdx/(\d+)', 'show/dx real $1', 'show/fdx',
- '^sho?w?/fdx/d(\d+)', 'show/dx real from $1', 'show/fdx',
- '^sho?w?/fdx', 'show/dx real', 'show/fdx',
- '^sho?w?/grou?p?s?', 'show/groups', 'show/groups',
- '^sho?w?/gr[ae]?y?l?i?n?e?', 'show/grayline', 'show/grayline',
- '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real $1-$2', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real $1', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/d(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real from $1', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myfd?x?', 'show/dx filter real', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myd?x?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx filter $1-$2', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myd?x?/(\d+)', 'show/dx filter $1', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myd?x?/d(\d+)', 'show/dx filter from $1', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/myd?x?', 'show/dx filter', 'show/mydx',
- '^sho?w?/newco?n?\w*/n', 'show/newconfiguration node', 'show/newconfiguration',
- '^sho?w?/sta?$', 'show/station', 'show/station',
- '^sho?w?/tnc', 'who', 'who',
- '^sho?w?/up', 'show/cluster', 'show/cluster',
- '^sho?w?/ww?v?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/wwv $1-$2', 'show/wwv',
- '^sho?w?/ww?v?/(\d+)', 'show/wwv $1', 'show/wwv',
- '^sho?w?$', 'apropos show', 'apropos',
- '^shutd?\w*$', 'shutdown', 'shutdown',
- '^sp$', 'send', 'send',
- '^sta?t?$', 'apropos stat', 'apropos',
+ '?' => [
+ '^\?', 'apropos', 'apropos',
+ ],
+ 'a' => [
+ '^a$', 'announce', 'announce',
+ '^acc?e?p?t?$', 'apropos accept', 'apropos',
+ '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/full', 'announce full', 'announce',
+ '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/sysop', 'announce sysop', 'announce',
+ '^ann?o?u?n?c?e?/(.*)$', 'announce $1', 'announce',
+ ],
+ 'b' => [
+ '^b$', 'bye', 'bye',
+ ],
+ 'c' => [
+ '^cle?a?r?$', 'apropos clear', 'apropos',
+ '^cre?a?t?e?$', 'apropos create', 'apropos',
+ ],
+ 'd' => [
+ '^dele?t?e?/fu', 'kill full', 'kill',
+ '^dele?t?e?$', 'kill', 'kill',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/a\w*', 'directory all', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/b\w*', 'directory bulletins', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/n\w*', 'directory new', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/o\w*', 'directory own', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/s\w*', 'directory subject', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/t\w*', 'directory to', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/f\w*', 'directory from', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'directory $1-$2', 'directory',
+ '^dir?e?c?t?o?r?y?/(\d+)', 'directory $1', 'directory',
+ ],
+ 'e' => [
+ '^exi?t?$', 'bye', 'bye',
+ '^export_u', 'export_users', 'export_users',
+ '^expor?', 'export', 'export',
+ '^expun?g?e?$', 'kill expunge', 'kill expunge',
+ ],
+ 'f' => [
+ '^for?w?a?r?d?$', 'apropos forward', 'apropos',
+ ],
+ 'g' => [
+ ],
+ 'h' => [
+ ],
+ 'i' => [
+ ],
+ 'j' => [
+ ],
+ 'k' => [
+ '^ki?l?l?/ex', 'kill expunge', 'kill',
+ ],
+ 'l' => [
+ '^loa?d?$', 'apropos load', 'apropos',
+ '^l$', 'directory', 'directory',
+ '^ll$', 'directory', 'directory',
+ '^ll/(\d+)', 'directory $1', 'directory',
+ '^lm$', 'directory own', 'directory',
+ '^l>$', 'directory to', 'directory',
+ '^l<$', 'directory from', 'directory',
+ ],
+ 'm' => [
+ ],
+ 'n' => [
+ ],
+ 'o' => [
+ ],
+ 'p' => [
+ ],
+ 'q' => [
+ '^qu?i?t?$', 'bye', 'bye',
+ ],
+ 'r' => [
+ '^r$', 'read', 'read',
+ '^rbn$', 'apropos rbn', 'apropos',
+ '^reje?c?t?$', 'apropos reject', 'apropos',
+ '^rcmd/(\S+)', 'rcmd $1', 'rcmd',
+ ],
+ 's' => [
+ '^s$', 'send', 'send',
+ '^s/p$', 'send', 'send',
+ '^sb$', 'send noprivate', 'send',
+ '^set/dbg$', 'set/debug', 'set/debug',
+ '^set/home$', 'set/homenode', 'set/homenode',
+ '^set/nobe', 'unset/beep', 'unset/beep',
+ '^set/nohe', 'unset/here', 'unset/here',
+ '^set/noan', 'unset/announce', 'unset/announce',
+ '^set/nodxg', 'unset/dxgrid', 'unset/dxgrid',
+ '^set/nodx', 'unset/dx', 'unset/dx',
+ '^set/noe', 'unset/echo', 'unset/echo',
+ '^set/nota', 'unset/talk', 'unset/talk',
+ '^set/noww', 'unset/wwv', 'unset/wwv',
+ '^set/nowx', 'unset/wx', 'unset/wx',
+ '^set/nosk', 'set/wantrbn none', 'set/wantrbn',
+ '^set/sk', 'set/wantrbn', 'set/wantrbn',
+ '^set$', 'apropos set', 'apropos',
+ '^sho?w?/u$', 'show/user', 'show/user',
+ '^sho?w?/bul', 'show/files bulletins', 'show/files',
+ '^sho?w?/co?n?\w*/a', 'show/configuration all', 'show/configuration',
+ '^sho?w?/co?n?\w*/n', 'show/configuration nodes', 'show/configuration',
+ '^sho?w?/c$', 'show/configuration', 'show/configuration',
+ '^sho?w?/com', 'dbavail', 'dbavail',
+ '^sho?w?/dbg', 'show/debug', 'show/debug',
+ '^sho?w?/dxcc', 'show/dx dxcc', 'show/dx',
+ '^sho?w?/dx/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx $1-$2', 'show/dx',
+ '^sho?w?/dx/(\d+)', 'show/dx $1', 'show/dx',
+ '^sho?w?/dx/d(\d+)', 'show/dx from $1', 'show/dx',
+ '^sho?w?/fdx/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx real $1-$2', 'show/fdx',
+ '^sho?w?/fdx/(\d+)', 'show/dx real $1', 'show/fdx',
+ '^sho?w?/fdx/d(\d+)', 'show/dx real from $1', 'show/fdx',
+ '^sho?w?/fdx', 'show/dx real', 'show/fdx',
+ '^sho?w?/grou?p?s?', 'show/groups', 'show/groups',
+ '^sho?w?/gr[ae]?y?l?i?n?e?', 'show/grayline', 'show/grayline',
+ '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real $1-$2', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real $1', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myfd?x?/d(\d+)', 'show/dx filter real from $1', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myfd?x?', 'show/dx filter real', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myd?x?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/dx filter $1-$2', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myd?x?/(\d+)', 'show/dx filter $1', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myd?x?/d(\d+)', 'show/dx filter from $1', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/myd?x?', 'show/dx filter', 'show/mydx',
+ '^sho?w?/newco?n?\w*/n', 'show/newconfiguration node', 'show/newconfiguration',
+ '^sho?w?/sta?$', 'show/station', 'show/station',
+ '^sho?w?/tnc', 'who', 'who',
+ '^sho?w?/u$', 'show/user', 'show/user',
+ '^sho?w?/up', 'show/cluster', 'show/cluster',
+ '^sho?w?/ww?v?/(\d+)-(\d+)', 'show/wwv $1-$2', 'show/wwv',
+ '^sho?w?/ww?v?/(\d+)', 'show/wwv $1', 'show/wwv',
+ '^sho?w?$', 'apropos show', 'apropos',
+ '^shutd?\w*$', 'shutdown', 'shutdown',
+ '^sp$', 'send', 'send',
+ '^sta?t?$', 'apropos stat', 'apropos',
- ],
- 't' => [
- '^ta$', 'talk', 'talk',
- '^t$', 'talk', 'talk',
- ],
- 'u' => [
- '^uns?e?t?$', 'apropos unset', 'apropos',
- '^uns?e?t?/node$', 'set/user', 'set/user',
- ],
- 'v' => [
- ],
- 'w' => [
- '^w$', 'who', 'who',
- '^wx/full', 'wx full', 'wx',
- '^wx/sysop', 'wx sysop', 'wx',
- ],
- 'x' => [
- ],
- 'y' => [
- ],
- 'z' => [
- ],
+ ],
+ 't' => [
+ '^ta$', 'talk', 'talk',
+ '^t$', 'talk', 'talk',
+ ],
+ 'u' => [
+ '^uns?e?t?$', 'apropos unset', 'apropos',
+ '^uns?e?t?/dbg$', 'unset/debug', 'unset/debug',
+ '^uns?e?t?/node$', 'set/user', 'set/user',
+ '^uns?e?t?/sk', 'set/wantrbn none', 'set/wantrbn',
+ ],
+ 'v' => [
+ ],
+ 'w' => [
+ '^w$', 'who', 'who',
+ '^wx/full', 'wx full', 'wx',
+ '^wx/sysop', 'wx sysop', 'wx',
+ ],
+ 'x' => [
+ ],
+ 'y' => [
+ ],
+ 'z' => [
+ ],
+ );
=== 0^ACCEPT/SPOTS [0-9] <pattern>^Set an 'accept' filter line for spots
+=== 0^ACCEPT/RBN [0-9] <pattern>^Set an 'accept' filter line for RBN spots
Create an 'accept this spot' line for a filter.
An accept filter line means that if the spot matches this filter it is
it takes is output to the console in seconds.
Any visible cluster node can be PINGed.
+=== 9^RBN^The Reverse Beacon or Skimmer System
+Please read the document /spider/RBN.mojo. This has the latest information
+about RBN/Skimmer setup.
+=== 0^RBN^The Reverse Beacon or Skimmer System
+DXSpider now has the ability to show spots from the Reverse Beacon Network
+or "Skimmers", if your sysop has enabled the feed(s) (and has the bandwidth
+to both receive the feeds and also to pass them on to you.
+Currently there are two RBN/Skimmer feeds available which, at busy
+times can send up to 50,000 spots/hour EACH. Somewhere in the low
+1000s is more normal. Clearly this is not much use to the average user
+and so DXSpider "curates" them by removing duplicates and checking for
+invalid callsigns or prefixes, as well as using some algorithms to fix
+the rather variable frequencies that some skimmers produce
+(particularly for CW spots).
+This means that the format of the spot that you see is completely
+different to the spots that the RBN feeds supply and, as a result of
+the "curation" reduces the volume of spots to you by between 8 and 11
+See SET/SKIMMER (or SET/WANTRBN) for more information on enabling
+RBN/Skimmer spots and also on selecting particular categories (e.g CW
+or FT8/FT4) - which has the side benefit of reducing the volume of
+spots that you receive even more!
+Here are some examples of the output:
+DX de LZ4UX-#: 14015.5 ON7TQ CW 6dB Q:9 Z:5,14,15,40 14 0646Z 20
+DX de VE7CC-#: 3573.0 N8ADO FT8 -14dB Q:4 Z:4,5 4 0647Z 3
+DX de DM7EE-#: 14027.5 R1AC CW 9dB Q:9* Z:5,15,17,20 16 0643Z 14
+DX de WE9V-#: 7074.0 EA7ALL FT8 -9dB Q:2+ Z:5 14 0641Z 4
+Note that UNSET/DXGRID, UNSET/DXITU and SET/DXCQ are in operation in
+these examples. This is completely optional.
+The comment field has been completely changed in order provide as much
+information, in as smaller space, as possible. All the irrelevant
+information has been removed.
+You can use the Category (CW and FT8 in these examples) to with
+SET/SKIMMER (or SET/WANTRBN) to, rather coarsely, select which spots
+you require. You can refine this further by the use of Filtering. See
+SET/SKIMMER or SET/WANTRBN for more information. But the short answer
+is that these are spots and are filtered like any other spot, unless
+you want to filter these spots differently, in which case you can use
+REJECT/RBN and ACCEPT/RBN in exactly the same way as ACCEPT/SPOT and
+REJECT/SPOT. If you don't use RBN filters then these spots will be
+filter by any spot filters that you may have.
+The next field (6dB, -14dB etc) is the LOWEST reported signal that was
+The Q: field is the number of skimmers that heard this spot (up to 9
+shown, but it could easily be many more). If Q: is > 1 (especially on
+CW) then you can be reasonably certain that the callsign is accurate,
+especially on CW. 'Q' stands for "Qualitee" :-)
+If there is a '*', it means that there was a disagreement about
+frequency. In fact, particularly for CW spots, I have see
+disagreements of 600Hz. Which is a worry. The frequency that is shown
+is the majority view of all the skimmers spotting this call. You may
+have to fossick about the airwaves to find the actual frequency :-)
+There are stations that are permanently on, like Beacons, and also
+others that have long sessions on the same frequency and do a lot of
+CQing. If they have been on for a certain length of time and they
+reappear before their cache entry expires (about 2 hours), then they
+are respotted. This is indicated by the '+'. NOTE - if they change
+frequency, this will generate new spots. Each callsign/frequency pair
+could respotted separately for as long as any individual
+callsign/frequency pair remain in the cache.
+The Z: field is present then that indicates the other CQ zones that
+heard this spot - not including the skimmer that is shown. I show as
+many as there are in whatever space is left in the comment
+field. Note: if you have any of the optional flags around the time
+then they may overwrite part of this field.
+If there is NO filter in operation, then the skimmer spot with the
+LOWEST signal strength will be shown. This implies that if any extra
+Z: zones are shown, then the signal will be higher in those zones.
+If you have a filter (for instance: ACCEPT/SPOT by_zone 14 and not
+zone 14 or zone 14 and not by_zone 14) where '14' is your QTH CQ
+zone. You will, instead be served with the lowest signal strength spot
+that satisfies that filter. Incidentally, this particular style of
+filter is quite useful for RBN spots, as it reduces the volume and is
+likely to be more relevant for casual use. If this filter is too broad
+(or narrow) for your normal spotting requirements, then you can use
+ACCEPT/RBN with the same filter specification and it will only apply
+to RBN spots. You can also replace '14' with a list like '14,15' if
+you want to broaden it out. You will still get the same Z: list (if
+any) whether you filter or not.
=== 1^RCMD <node call> <cmd>^Send a command to another DX Cluster
This command allows you to send nearly any command to another DX Cluster
node that is connected to the system.
reject/ann user_default by G,M,2
=== 0^REJECT/SPOTS [0-9] <pattern>^Set a 'reject' filter line for spots
+=== 0^REJECT/RBN [0-9] <pattern>^Set a 'reject' filter line for RBN spots
Create a 'reject this spot' line for a filter.
A reject filter line means that if the spot matches this filter it is
Tell the system where you are. For example:-
SET/QTH East Dereham, Norfolk
+=== 9^SET/RBN <call> ...^Mark this call as an RBN node
+This will mark this callsign as a Reverse Beacon
+Network client. It's not a node in the normal sense of that word
+in DXSpider. But it will generate spots from the RBN/Skimmers and
+will act like a specialised node just for RBN spots.
+You will need to use this command to create your skimmer node
+connections. Normally one per RBN port (7000, 7001) but, in principle
+you could connect to any skimmer that uses the same spot format.
=== 9^SET/REGISTER <call> ...^Mark a user as registered
=== 9^UNSET/REGISTER <call> ...^Mark a user as not registered
Registration is a concept that you can switch on by executing the
Do a STAT/USER to see which flags you have set if you are confused.
+=== 9^SET/WANTRBN^<call> [category ..]^Allow (some) RBN/Skimmer spots
+=== 9^SET/SKIMMER^<call> [category ..]^Allow (some) RBN/Skimmer spots
+This sysop only command allows you to set a user's RBN/Skimmer for them.
+It's also good for resetting a user's flags if they get into a muddle.
+=== 0^SET/WANTRBN^[category ..]^Allow (some) RBN/Skimmer spots
+=== 0^SET/SKIMMER^[category ..]^Allow (some) RBN/Skimmer spotsT
+=== 0^UNSET/WANTRBN^Stop all RBN/Skimmer spots
+=== 0^UNSET/SKIMMER^Stop all RBN/Skimmer spots
+This command allows curated Reverse Beacon Spots to come out on your
+terminal (or not).
+If you want everything just type:
+ set/wantrbn
+ set/skimmer
+Either command will do.
+If you want it all to just stop type:
+ unset/skimmer (or unset/wantrbn)
+ set/skimmer none
+There five categories (or modes) of RBN/Skimmer spot available and one
+can limit the spots to one or more of these categories/modes:
+together with a load of synonyms
+ FT FT8 FT4
+if you use
+ set/skimmer psk ft8
+you will get psk, fsk, msk, ft4 and ft8 spots. if you want to break
+that down, then you will need to set filters accordingly - but your
+filter will only be offered spots from the categories that you have
+If you get into a muddle with this you can simply reset 'all on'
+with SET/SKIMMER or 'all off' with UNSET/SKIMMER.
+By default any filters that you have for "manual" spots will be
+automatically applied to your RBN/Skimmer feed. However it is possible
+to filter RBN/Skimmer spots differently by use ACCEPT/RBN and/or
+REJECT/RBN filters.
+The RBN filters completely override any spot filters for these
+spots. But the spot filters will continue to filter "manual" spots as
+Please see HELP RBN for an explanation of the spot format. It is NOT
+the same as one would get directly from the RBN/Skimmers. But it is
+recommended that you SET/DXCQ and UNSET/DXITU and UNSET/DXGRID (unless
+latter in more important to you with, for example, FT4/8 spots).
=== 0^SET/WCY^Allow WCY messages to come out on your terminal
=== 0^UNSET/WCY^Stop WCY messages coming out on your terminal
use 5.10.1;
-use DXUtil;
use DXDebug;
+use DXUtil;
use DXLog;
use DXUser;
use DXChannel;
use Date::Parse;
use Time::HiRes qw(clock_gettime CLOCK_REALTIME);
use Spot;
+use JSON;
+use IO::File;
our @ISA = qw(DXChannel);
our $beacontime = 5*60; # same as minspottime, but for beacons (and shorter)
-our $dwelltime = 8; # the amount of time to wait for duplicates before issuing
+our $dwelltime = 10; # the amount of time to wait for duplicates before issuing
# a spot to the user (no doubt waiting with bated breath).
our $filterdef = $Spot::filterdef; # we use the same filter as the Spot system. Can't think why :-).
my %runtime; # how long each channel has been running
+our $cachefn = localdata('rbn_cache');
+our $cache_valid = 4*60; # The cache file is considered valid if it is not more than this old
+my $json;
+my $noinrush = 0; # override the inrushpreventor if set
+sub init
+ $json = JSON->new;
+ $spots = {};
+ if (check_cache()) {
+ $noinrush = 1;
+ }
+ if (defined $DB::VERSION) {
+ $noinrush = 1;
+ $json->indent(1);
+ }
sub new
my $self = DXChannel::alloc(@_);
my $pkg = shift;
my $call = shift;
- $spots ||= {};
$self->{last} = 0;
$self->{noraw} = 0;
$self->{nospot} = 0;
# if we have been running and stopped for a while
- $self->{inrushpreventor} = exists $runtime{$call} && $runtime{$call} > $startup_delay ? 0 : $main::systime + $startup_delay;
+ # if the cache is warm enough don't operate the inrush preventor
+ $self->{inrushpreventor} = exists $runtime{$call} && $runtime{$call} > $startup_delay || $noinrush ? 0 : $main::systime + $startup_delay;
+ dbg("RBN: noinrush: $noinrush, setting inrushpreventor on $self->{call} to $self->{inrushpreventor}");
my @queue; # the queue of spots ready to send
my $qra = $spd, $spd = '' if is_qra($spd);
$u = $qra if $qra;
+ # is this anything like a callsign?
+ unless (is_callsign($call)) {
+ dbg("RBN: ERROR $call from $origin on $qrg is invalid, dumped");
+ return;
+ }
$origin =~ s/\-(?:\d{1,2}\-)?\#$//; # get rid of all the crap we aren't interested in
$sort ||= '';
$tx ||= '';
$qra ||= '';
- dbg qq{or:$origin qr:$qrg ca:$call mo:$mode s:$s m:$m sp:$spd u:$u sort:$sort t:$t tx:$tx qra:$qra} if isdbg('rbn');
+ dbg qq{RBN:input decode or:$origin qr:$qrg ca:$call mo:$mode s:$s m:$m sp:$spd u:$u sort:$sort t:$t tx:$tx qra:$qra} if isdbg('rbn');
# here we either have an existing spot record buildup on the go, or we need to create the first one
unless ($spot) {
$spots->{$sp} = $spot = [clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)];;
- dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' call: $call qrg: $qrg NEW" . $respot ? ' RESPOT' : '') if isdbg('rbn');
+ dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' call: $call qrg: $qrg NEW" . ($respot ? ' RESPOT' : '')) if isdbg('rbn');
# add me to the display queue unless we are waiting for initial in rush to finish
- return unless $self->{inrushpreventor} < $main::systime;
- push @{$self->{queue}}, $sp if @$spot == 1; # queue the KEY (not the record)
+ return unless $noinrush || $self->{inrushpreventor} < $main::systime;
# build up a new record and store it in the buildup
# deal with the unix time
# create record and add into the buildup
my $r = [$origin, nearest(.1, $qrg), $call, $mode, $s, $t, $utz, $respot, $u];
- dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' ADD RECORD call: $call qrg: $qrg origin: $origin") if isdbg('rbn');
my @s = Spot::prepare($r->[1], $r->[2], $r->[6], '', $r->[0]);
+ if ($s[5] == 666) {
+ dbg("RBN: ERROR invalid prefix/callsign $call from $origin-# on $qrg, dumped");
+ return;
+ }
if ($self->{inrbnfilter}) {
my ($want, undef) = $self->{inrbnfilter}->it($s);
- next unless $want;
+ return unless $want;
$r->[9] = \@s;
+ push @{$self->{queue}}, $sp if @$spot == 1; # queue the KEY (not the record)
+ dbg("RBN: key: '$sp' ADD RECORD call: $call qrg: $qrg origin: $origin") if isdbg('rbn');
push @$spot, $r;
# At this point we run the queue to see if anything can be sent onwards to the punter
$dxchan->{noraw} = $dxchan->{norbn} = $dxchan->{nospot} = 0; $dxchan->{nousers} = {};
$runtime{$dxchan->{call}} += 60;
+ # save the spot cache
+ write_cache() unless $main::systime + $startup_delay < $main::systime;;
sub per_10_minute
++$want if $user->wantbeacon && $mode =~ /^BCN|DXF/;
++$want if $user->wantcw && $mode =~ /^CW/;
++$want if $user->wantrtty && $mode =~ /^RTT/;
- ++$want if $user->wantpsk && $mode =~ /^PSK/;
- ++$want if $user->wantcw && $mode =~ /^CW/;
+ ++$want if $user->wantpsk && $mode =~ /^PSK|FSK|MSK/;
++$want if $user->wantft && $mode =~ /^FT/;
- ++$want unless $want; # send everything if nothing is selected.
- next unless $want;
+ dbg(sprintf("RBN: spot selection for $dxchan->{call} mode: '$mode' want: $want flags rbn:%d ft:%d bcn:%d cw:%d psk:%d rtty:%d",
+ $user->wantrbn,
+ $user->wantft,
+ $user->wantbeacon,
+ $user->wantcw,
+ $user->wantpsk,
+ $user->wantrtty,
+ )) if isdbg('rbnll');
# send one spot to one user out of the ones that we have
$self->dx_spot($dxchan, $quality, $spot) if $want;
+sub finish
+ write_cache();
+sub write_cache
+ my $fh = IO::File->new(">$cachefn") or confess("writing $cachefn $!");
+ my $s = $json->encode($spots);
+ $fh->print($s);
+ $fh->close;
+sub check_cache
+ if (-e $cachefn) {
+ my $mt = (stat($cachefn))[9];
+ my $t = $main::systime - $mt || 1;
+ my $p = difft($mt);
+ if ($t < $cache_valid) {
+ dbg("RBN:check_cache '$cachefn' spot cache exists, created $p ago and not too old");
+ my $fh = IO::File->new($cachefn);
+ my $s;
+ if ($fh) {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ $s = <$fh>;
+ dbg("RBN:check_cache cache read size " . length $s);
+ $fh->close;
+ } else {
+ dbg("RBN:check_cache file read error $!");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ($s) {
+ eval {$spots = $json->decode($s)};
+ if ($spots && ref $spots) {
+ dbg("RBN:check_cache spot cache restored");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ dbg("RBN::checkcache error decoding $@");
+ } else {
+ my $d = difft($main::systime-$cache_valid);
+ dbg("RBN::checkcache '$cachefn' created $p ago is too old (> $d), ignored");
+ }
+ } else {
+ dbg("RBN:check_cache '$cachefn' spot cache not present");
+ }
+ return undef;