This is to solve the problem of losing found spots when traversing
multiple files.
TO BE FIXED!! So we can read forward again.
+1. Change the Spot file reading mechanism back to the default of using 'tac'.
1. Fix show/mydx (lack of) filtering bug.
2. Add qra locator to
- dbg "RBN:ADMIN,spot cache: $removed removed $count remain"; # if isdbg('rbn');
+ dbg "RBN:ADMIN,$self->{call},spot cache remain: $count removed: $removed"; # if isdbg('rbn');
dbg "RBN:" . join(',', "STAT", $self->{noraw}, $self->{norbn}, $self->{nospot}) if $self->{showstats};
$self->{noraw} = $self->{norbn} = $self->{nospot} = 0;
$self->{last} = int($tim / 60) * 60;
$totalspots = $hfspots = $vhfspots = 0;
$use_db_for_search = 0;
-our $readback = 0;
+our $readback = 1;
if ($readback) {
$readback = `which tac`;