2 # various utilities which are exported globally
4 # Copyright (c) 1998 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
18 use vars qw(@month %patmap $pi $d2r $r2d @ISA @EXPORT);
22 @EXPORT = qw(atime ztime cldate cldatetime slat slong yesno promptf
23 parray parraypairs phex phash shellregex readfilestr writefilestr
25 print_all_fields cltounix unpad is_callsign is_long_callsign is_latlong
26 is_qra is_freq is_digits is_pctext is_pcflag insertitem deleteitem
27 is_prefix dd is_ipaddr $pi $d2r $r2d
31 @month = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
44 # a full time for logging and other purposes
48 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime((defined $t) ? $t : time);
50 my $buf = sprintf "%02d%s%04d\@%02d:%02d:%02d", $mday, $month[$mon], $year, $hour, $min, $sec;
54 # get a zulu time in cluster format (2300Z)
58 $t = defined $t ? $t : time;
60 my ($sec,$min,$hour) = $dst ? localtime($t): gmtime($t);
61 my $buf = sprintf "%02d%02d%s", $hour, $min, ($dst) ? '' : 'Z';
65 # get a cluster format date (23-Jun-1998)
69 $t = defined $t ? $t : time;
71 my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = $dst ? localtime($t) : gmtime($t);
73 my $buf = sprintf "%2d-%s-%04d", $mday, $month[$mon], $year;
77 # return a cluster style date time
82 my $date = cldate($t, $dst);
83 my $time = ztime($t, $dst);
87 # return a unix date from a cluster date and time
92 my ($thisyear) = (gmtime)[5] + 1900;
94 return 0 unless $date =~ /^\s*(\d+)-(\w\w\w)-([12][90]\d\d)$/;
95 return 0 if $3 > 2036;
96 return 0 unless abs($thisyear-$3) <= 1;
98 return 0 unless $time =~ /^([012]\d)([012345]\d)Z$/;
99 $time = "$1:$2 +0000";
100 my $r = str2time("$date $time");
102 return $r == -1 ? undef : $r;
105 # turn a latitude in degrees into a string
109 my ($deg, $min, $let);
110 $let = $n >= 0 ? 'N' : 'S';
113 $min = int ((($n - $deg) * 60) + 0.5);
114 return "$deg $min $let";
117 # turn a longitude in degrees into a string
121 my ($deg, $min, $let);
122 $let = $n >= 0 ? 'E' : 'W';
125 $min = int ((($n - $deg) * 60) + 0.5);
126 return "$deg $min $let";
129 # turn a true into 'yes' and false into 'no'
133 return $n ? $main::yes : $main::no;
136 # provide a data dumpered version of the object passed
140 my $dd = new Data::Dumper([$value]);
143 $dd->Quotekeys($] < 5.005 ? 1 : 0);
144 $value = $dd->Dumpxs;
145 $value =~ s/([\r\n\t])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/eg;
146 $value =~ s/^\s*\[//;
147 $value =~ s/\]\s*$//;
152 # format a prompt with its current value and return it with its privilege
155 my ($line, $value) = @_;
156 my ($priv, $prompt, $action) = split ',', $line;
158 # if there is an action treat it as a subroutine and replace $value
160 my $q = qq{\$value = $action(\$value)};
162 } elsif (ref $value) {
165 $prompt = sprintf "%15s: %s", $prompt, $value;
166 return ($priv, $prompt);
169 # turn a hex field into printed hex
173 return sprintf '%X', $val;
176 # take an arg as a hash of call=>time pairs and print it
181 for (sort keys %$ref) {
182 $out .= "$_=$ref->{$_}, ";
189 # take an arg as an array list and print it
193 return ref $ref ? join(', ', @{$ref}) : $ref;
196 # take the arg as an array reference and print as a list of pairs
203 for ($i = 0; $i < @$ref; $i += 2) {
205 my $r2 = @$ref[$i+1];
208 chop $out; # remove last space
209 chop $out; # remove last comma
213 # take the arg as a hash reference and print it out as such
219 while (my ($k,$v) = each %$ref) {
220 $out .= "${k}=>$v, ";
222 chop $out; # remove last space
223 chop $out; # remove last comma
230 my @a = split /,/, $ref->field_prompt(shift);
231 my @b = split /,/, $ref->field_prompt(shift);
232 return lc $a[1] cmp lc $b[1];
235 # print all the fields for a record according to privilege
237 # The prompt record is of the format '<priv>,<prompt>[,<action>'
238 # and is expanded by promptf above
242 my $self = shift; # is a dxchan
243 my $ref = shift; # is a thingy with field_prompt and fields methods defined
245 my @fields = $ref->fields;
247 my $width = $self->width - 1;
250 foreach $field (sort {_sort_fields($ref, $a, $b)} @fields) {
251 if (defined $ref->{$field}) {
252 my ($priv, $ans) = promptf($ref->field_prompt($field), $ref->{$field});
254 if (length $ans > $width) {
255 my ($p, $a) = split /: /, $ans, 2;
256 my $l = (length $p) + 2;
257 my $al = ($width - 1) - $l;
259 while (length $a > $al ) {
260 ($bit, $a) = unpack "A$al A*", $a;
261 push @tmp, "$p: $bit";
264 push @tmp, "$p: $a" if length $a;
268 push @out, @tmp if ($self->priv >= $priv);
274 # generate a regex from a shell type expression
275 # see 'perl cookbook' 6.9
279 $in =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge;
280 return '^' . $in . "\$";
283 # read in a file into a string and return it.
284 # the filename can be split into a dir and file and the
285 # file can be in upper or lower case.
286 # there can also be a suffix
289 my ($dir, $file, $suffix) = @_;
294 $fn = "$dir/$f.$suffix";
297 $fn = "$dir/$file.$suffix";
310 my $fh = new IO::File $fn;
320 # write out a file in the format required for reading
321 # in via readfilestr, it expects the same arguments
322 # and a reference to an object
332 confess('no object to write in writefilestr') unless $obj;
333 confess('object not a reference in writefilestr') unless ref $obj;
337 $fn = "$dir/$f.$suffix";
340 $fn = "$dir/$file.$suffix";
353 my $fh = new IO::File ">$fn";
355 my $dd = new Data::Dumper([ $obj ]);
359 # $fh->print(@_) if @_ > 0; # any header comments, lines etc
360 $fh->print($dd->Dumpxs);
367 copy(@_) or return $!;
370 # remove leading and trailing spaces from an input string
379 # check that a field only has callsign characters in it
382 return $_[0] =~ m!^(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+) # basic prefix
383 (?:/(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+))? # / another one (possibly)
384 [A-Z]{1,4} # callsign letters
385 (?:/(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+))? # / another prefix possibly
386 (?:/[0-9A-Z]{1,2})? # /0-9A-Z+ possibly
387 (?:-\d{1,2})? # - nn possibly
391 # check that a field only has callsign characters in it but has more than the standard 3 callsign letters
394 return $_[0] =~ m!^(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+) # basic prefix
395 (?:/(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+))? # / another one (possibly)
396 [A-Z]{1,5} # callsign letters
397 (?:/(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+))? # / another prefix possibly
398 (?:/[0-9A-Z]{1,2})? # /0-9A-Z+ possibly
399 (?:-\d{1,2})? # - nn possibly
405 return $_[0] =~ m!^(?:[A-Z]{1,2}\d+ | \d[A-Z]{1,2}\d+)!x # basic prefix
409 # check that a PC protocol field is valid text
412 return undef unless length $_[0];
413 return undef if $_[0] =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0a-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/;
417 # check that a PC prot flag is fairly valid (doesn't check the difference between 1/0 and */-)
420 return $_[0] =~ /^[01\*\-]+$/;
423 # check that a thing is a frequency
426 return $_[0] =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?$/;
429 # check that a thing is just digits
432 return $_[0] =~ /^[\d]+$/;
435 # does it look like a qra locator?
438 return $_[0] =~ /^[A-Ra-r][A-Ra-r]\d\d[A-Xa-x][A-Xa-x]$/;
441 # does it look like a valid lat/long
444 return $_[0] =~ /^\s*\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s*[NnSs]\s+1?\d{1,2}\s+\d{1,2}\s*[EeWw]\s*$/;
447 # is it an ip address?
450 return $_[0] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ || $_[0] =~ /^[0-9a-f:]+$/;
453 # insert an item into a list if it isn't already there returns 1 if there 0 if not
459 return 1 if grep {$_ eq $item } @$list;
464 # delete an item from a list if it is there returns no deleted
471 @$list = grep {$_ ne $item } @$list;